We are seeing patients BOTH face-to-face and via telehealth. Please let the receptionist know your preference when you make your appointment.
For telehealth, all you need is a smartphone or computer with internet access, camera, and microphone. To participate, each client has to give consent. Please download the consent form, sign, and fax to us at 985-625-0022Â or email to

To start a telehealth appointment, about 5-10 min prior to your appointment
time, go to the web address below (depending on which provider you are seeing) and enter your name. Allow access to your camera and microphone. You will be placed in a virtual waiting room until the therapist/Dr. picks up the call. We are told your usual insurance copays apply and you can pay that over the phone (985-625-0023). ​ Dr. K Chris Rachal: www.doxy.me/drrachal ​ Kelli Monier: www.doxy.me/kellimonier ​ Dawn Toups: www.doxy.me/dawntoups ​ Mike DiSalvo: www.doxy.me/disalvo ​ Windy Rachal: www.doxy.me/windyrachal ​ Jason Talbot: www.doxy.me/jasontalbot ​ Dr. Alyse Blanchard: www.doxy.me/dralyseblanchard ​ Mary Esteve: www.doxy.me/mesteve
Ryan Kelley: www.doxy.me/ryankelley
Mark Dufrene: www.doxy.me/mdufrene
Bryan Bunn: www.doxy.me/bryanbunn
Leah Rodrigue: www.doxy.me/leahrodrigue
Ashley Dufrene: www.doxy.me/ashleydufrene